3 Free Scripture Puzzles

by | Dec 25, 2023 | New Year | 10 comments

Do you enjoy crossword Scripture puzzles? Mary Welsh, a new blog subscriber, introduced herself to me and told me about her hobby of creating word puzzles that relate to Scripture. She is graciously sharing a few of her puzzles with us. For those who want more puzzles like these, she has created a book. You can find the link below.

3 Free Scripture Puzzles by Mary Welsh

Click the titles to open and download. Have fun!


GOD SPEAKS Crossword Puzzle


Meet the creator: Mary Welsh has worked as a court reporter in Los Angeles County for the past 36 years.  Newly retired, she now enjoys having more time to spend reading and studying God’s Word, writing crossword puzzles and word search puzzles, gardening, singing, and playing her Celtic harp. Here is a link to her book on Amazon: The Bible Puzzle Book: A to Z Edition

Thank you, Mary, for sharing your puzzles with us today!

Women’s Online Bible Study

“Heresy usually begins with truth out of balance. We all think we’re balanced. But are we? Understand how legalism, liberalism, spiritism, and elitism draw us away from the gospel of grace and Christ-centered living. Learn how to discern between good and evil, and what it means to pray, live by the Spirit, and seek real intimacy with God.” From the description of Thriving Through the End Times.

We’ll be starting our Tuesday evening online Bible study on Neil Anderson’s book Thriving Through the End Times, January 9. We meet on Zoom from 7:10- 8:40 p.m. EST. To sign up, please contact me.

Comment here.

Happy New Year!

Do you enjoy word puzzles? Mary Welsh graciously shares a few of her Scripture puzzles with us. #FreePuzzles Share on X

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  1. Ann J Musico

    Thats so awesome!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Happy New Year, Ann! May God shower you in blessings!

  2. Annie Yorty

    Thanks for sharing this resources, Debbie. I plan to pass them along to others. Happy new year!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Annie, I found they test my memory, which is a good thing. Happy New Year!

  3. Barbara Latta

    What a cool idea to create crossword puzzles from the Bible. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year, Debbie!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Barbara, It is a fun way to remember the Bible. Happy New Year!

  4. Yvonne Morgan

    Great idea. I love crossword puzzles. Thank you for sharing Debbie.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I’m glad. I enjoy them too. Happy New Year, Yvonne.

  5. Linda Stoll

    Happy new year, Debbie! Grateful that we’ve begun to connect online and looking forward to all God has for us to be and do in the coming year. Blessings …

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Linda. God bless!

Refreshing Faith Blog

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