Why It’s Reasonable to Trust God in Your Pain

by | Mar 28, 2017 | Battles, Hope | 24 comments

When someone recommends a book, I want to know if it has a good ending. Knowing it will end well helps me wade through the challenging parts of the story. Would it make a difference if you knew your pain had a purpose? What if you had an abiding assurance that you’re deeply loved and cared for in the midst of your suffering? What if you knew your pain was a necessary prerequisite for great gain? Would it help if you knew your story was going to have an amazing ending?

Photo by: Jessica Ruscello/Unsplash

What if you knew your pain was a necessary prerequisite for great gain? Share on X

I believe that is God’s view on the suffering He lets touch us. This life is a small splat on a long highway in comparison with eternity. God is preparing us for everlasting life; that perspective gives Him wisdom on what’s really best for us.

In the movie The Ultimate Gift, a wealthy man left a will dividing his massive estate among his spoiled family. Too late, he’d realized the luxurious life he’d provided his family had ruined them. His will stipulated a series of tests for his grandson. He’d hoped to salvage the shred of character he believed this young man had in spite of his indulged lifestyle. If the grandson passed the tests, he would inherit the bulk of the estate. Even better, he would receive the ultimate gift: the capacity to give and receive love, not stuff.

Similarly, God uses trials to carve out in us the capacity to hold His ultimate gifts. “Therefore we do not lose heart… For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal weight of glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporal, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

Paul called his extensive suffering (listed in 2 Cor. 11:23-27) light and momentary because he focused on heaven. The sorrow of this life paled next to the eternal glory his suffering was producing for him. Paul understood God is not only preparing a place for us in Heaven—He is preparing us for our place in Heaven.

God's not only preparing a place for us in Heaven—He's preparing us for our place in Heaven. Share on X

Have you ever been unable to enjoy a fragrant garden because of allergies? Had no appetite for a sumptuous meal because of an upset stomach? Been too self-absorbed with your own cares to enjoy the people you love? You didn’t need better flowers, food, or friends; you needed to be freed from your personal limits so you could enjoy these gifts. God uses trials to free us from our limitations, to create the capacity to receive His good gifts, both now and for eternity.

Like Paul, with an eternal perspective, we’re able to endure irritations and suffering without losing heart. The Author of our story uses the trials of this life to chisel out Christlike character in us, equipping us to receive and enjoy His ultimate gifts.

Silver linings remind us the sun is shining behind the clouds. Remember to look for the silver lining.

(Excerpt from Give Yourself a Break)

Question: Does knowing how a movie will end help you through the tense scenes? How can God’s promises about our future help you with your challenges?

Click here to comment.



Give Yourself a Break: Discover the Secrets to God’s Rest

Most of us want to be close to God. But we aren’t sure how. Give Yourself a Break is a user friendly workbook that leads you to experience God in ten challenges common to all of us.

Give yourself a break from—

  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Difficult People
  • Renegade Thoughts
  • Messy Emotions
  • Worry
  • Regret
  • Temptation
  • Spiritual Attacks
  • The Pressure to Perform
  • Work

Experience the simplicity of trusting Jesus. Isn’t it time you gave yourself a break and enjoyed God’s rest?

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#Moments of Hope, #Teaching What Is Good#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #HeartEncouragement, #LivefreeThursday#Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus,  #Fresh Market Friday

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  1. Ann

    “God is not only preparing a place for us in Heaven—He is preparing us for our place in Heaven.” Wow – looking at it this way makes all the difference. Thank you Debbie (I seem to need a LOT of preparation!)

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Ann! 🙂

  2. Marilyn Couch

    C.S. Lewis said “pain is God’s
    megaphone” – have been thinking a lot on that lately.

    • Debbie Wilson

      The psalmist said, “It is good I was afflicted that I might learn Your statutes.” God certainly uses pain in our lives. Thanks for sharing, Marilyn.

  3. Beth

    I love that, “God uses trials to free us from limitations,” Debbie! What a wonderful reminder and challenge to us all. I agree wholeheartedly and try to keep this in view when suffering or trouble comes my way, but somehow in the moment of pain it easily eludes me. I must continually refocus myself on this truth time after time.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Beth, don’t you wish that mindset would stick? It is one I must continually renew. I guess like brushing your teeth, our minds need refreshing each day.

  4. Pam Ecrement

    Yes, my friend, knowing how a movie ends or a book ends (at least if it is positive or negative…not all details necessary) does help me out and bless me to wade through the rest. This post produced a lot of good reflection for me this evening. I especially liked the second tweet and us being prepared for our place in heaven!! Love and hugs, my friend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Pam. I love to remember that too. One day, we’ll be there together!

  5. Melissa Wentzel Horan

    This analogy resonated so deeply with me, Debbie! I have such a long history of inadvertently picking the most depressing movies that my husband now Googles the endings before I watch them. Thank you for reminding me to take the long-term view and use the wide-angle lens on my sufferings.

    • Debbie Wilson

      That’s so funny that your husband does that! I’m glad God tells us the end is good for us! Thanks, Melissa.

  6. Lisa notes

    I like happy endings for all my movies. 🙂 And books. I’m glad that we know the ending to our story already! Thanks for the encouragement here, Debbie, to hold on to God’s promises for each of our future endings.

  7. Debbie Wilson

    Me too, Lisa. And thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

  8. A Narrow-Minded Woman

    I am writing a post about finding contentment in Christ to go out tomorrow and it seems the topic of worry, anxiety, fear, trusting God, finding hope, finding peace, etc… just keeps popping up everywhere. 🙂 It is encouraging to see so many women recognizing these problems that come so naturally to all of us and pointing those of us who struggle to God and His Word.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, it is. Thanks for visiting.

  9. Donna Reidland

    Your post really spoke to me this morning, Debbie. Thanks for sharing it. I loved this statement, “God uses trials to free us from our limitations, to create the capacity to receive His good gifts, both now and for eternity.” We do need to keep an eternal perspective. It makes all the difference!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Donna. It really does make a difference in our hope and joy when we remember God’s eternal purposes. Blessings to you!

  10. Jerralea

    Lots of good stuff here, Debbie!

    I loved your line: “This life is a small splat on a long highway in comparison with eternity. ”

    I also liked the thought that He is preparing US for our place in heaven! I never thought of it in just that way before.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Jerralea!

  11. Jacqueline Wallace

    Thank you for this excellent post! I agree with you and say similar things in my own writing. When we put our own suffering and struggles in perspective, everything changes. I forwarded your blog post to a friend who has been going through tough time of late to encourage her. She replied back with gratitude for what you’ve written. God is at work. Thank you for being part of it!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Glory to God, Jackie. I know you have lived this and are sharing it with others.

  12. Aimee Imbeau

    It has been through my painful struggles that my faith and trust in God have deepened the most. And it is comforting to know that He has everything under control and we have a wonderful ‘ending’ to our stories. Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Aimee. Love seeing your smiling icon and hearing from you!

  13. Rachel Britton

    We do know that with our faith in Jesus everything will end well. Thanks for that reminder, Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Rachel. That’s something I need to remember when our world looks like it’s falling apart.

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