
by | Dec 2, 2002 | Newsletter, Perseverance

Rocky the boxer, Shackleton the explorer, and Joseph the betrayed brother all shared something that many of us need–perseverance. Webster defines perseverance, “to persist in a state or undertaking in spite of counter influences, opposition, or discouragement.” [1] The Bible states, “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” [2]

This month we have been helping a number of people who are having some very hard challenges. You or someone you love might be as well. Perseverance in facing challenges is something God can give.

Here are two Biblical concepts that can help.

* Perseverance comes from a strong spirit. “A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness but a crushed spirit who can bear?” Proverbs 18:14 The human spirit has been extolled and credited for many of man’s accomplishments throughout history. And God has wonderfully created man capable of many feats. But perseverance that is able to continue in the face of spiritual, as well as human, physical, or circumstantial adversity can only come from being energized by the only Spirit who persevered and won over all adversity. The Spirit of Christ controlling our human spirit results in a strong spirit. Godly perseverance comes from our spiritual walk, not our human work. [3] “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” Proverbs 24:16

* Perseverance comes from wise choices. “A wise man has great power and a man of knowledge increases strength.” Proverbs 24:5. “When we become worn out or discouraged over how things seem to be going we can become vulnerable to make unwise choices. With the hope of finding a pleasant distraction or relief from our distress, we might choose unhealthy habits or relationships. These choices may give us momentary relief, but they will cost us long term vitality and joy. They can bring draining shame and distance between us and God. Feeling and admitting weakness isn’t foolish, its wise. To do so actually results in more persevering power. [4]

God bless you as you persevere. Your rewards and the benefits for those near you will fill you with joy.

A Special Request: We have another special opportunity to have “Fore The Lord Foundation” match any new or extra financial gifts to Lighthouse Ministries thru February 1st. These contributions will help our ministry continue to provide counseling and teaching services for many, without fees.

You who are Friends of Lighthouse through your support have kept us and the ministry going. Thank you for your friendship and generous help. And thank you for considering this special opportunity. We pray that you will have your best holiday season ever.

Christmas Blessings,

Praises: Several families have been re-united. Special gifts to our ministry have taken some big burdens off us. Inner-city children are developing Godly traits, and moving beyond unhealthy backgrounds.

Prayer Requests: For families to hold together and become closer to God and each other. For Larry to be healed of vertigo and for his eyes to remain healthy.

[1] Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
[2] Hebrews 10:36
[3] Hebrews 12:1-3
[4] II Corinthians 12:9-10

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