When I was a child, I asked Mama why there was a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day but no Children’s Day. She said every day is children’s day. I didn’t understand until I became a mother.
I entered motherhood with the unrealistic expectations that a baby wouldn’t affect my time, energy, or schedule. Oh boy, was I ever wrong!
Way, way, back, I used to sew. I’d get out my project, and my baby would need nursing. I’d tend to my child, put her back down, and return to my sewing. By the time I was ready to start again, she was awake needing my full attention. How do mothers get anything accomplished? I wondered.
Our second child entered our lives on the opposite sleep cycle from his two-year-old sister. He woke up for his long colicky nights about the time I was climbing into bed. Finally, he’d settle down around 4:30 a.m. Two hours after I was able to go to bed, a cheerful “Good morning, Mommy” from my two year old would begin my day. How do mothers survive without sleep? I wondered.
I had enjoyed having friends over for dinner before children, so I wanted to continue the habit. After our second child was born, I cleaned house, hid toys, and cooked dinner for some friends. I was careful to nurse my sweet infant right before our guests arrived. But at the moment we sat down to eat, he woke up hungry, again. I had to excuse myself and leave Larry with our guests. How do mothers live without adult interaction? I wondered.
One spring when my children were older, I took them to the zoo to see the baby animals. In every exhibit the babies were sleeping. What stunned me was seeing their mothers. While the other animals were active, the new mothers and their babies were curled up together in peaceful slumber. Why hadn’t I done that? I wondered.
Where had I gotten the notion mothers of new babies were to keep up all their other activities? Why had I driven myself? If you are a mom who puts pressure on yourself, you’ll love this verse from Isaiah 40:11 (NASB):
Like a shepherd He will tend His flock,
In His arm He will gather the lambs
And carry them in His bosom;
He will gently lead the nursing ewes.
Our Lord doesn’t drive any of His sheep, but he is especially gentle with the nursing mothers. Dear mother, are you gentle with yourself?
As someone noted, “All mothers are working mothers.” Know a worn-out mom? Then do something nice for her. If you are a mom, thank you. Your job matters. Just ask someone who’s lost their mom how often she is missed.
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Happy Mother’s Day,
Photo by: Bob Whitehead
Right on. As far as the economic benefits, a top-tier preschool / KinderG costs about 1,500 per month, per child. So unless the mother is clearing 1,500 per month after taxes, it is not economically beneficial for both parents to work outside the home. I am glad for my mother who chose to stay at home at least for the first decade of our childhood. Thank you mother!
Thank you, Keita, for sharing your thoughts. Being a stay-at-home mom and being a working mom are hard jobs. Those who stay at home may feel they are wasting their time doing routine tasks, but they are shaping the destiny and well-being of their children, which affects our whole society!
What a great article! I appreciate hearing your thoughts from pre-motherhood to motherhood. I’m 6 months pregnant with our first baby and, though I am expecting some really big changes for my time and energy, I just have no idea what to expect. It’s so good to hear from someone else who wanted to keep some of the same habits – dinner with friends, etc – and to hear how you gracefully adjusted your expectations. I’m very encouraged by your story. Thank you for sharing!
What a beautiful post and it brought back a LOT of memories! I think we all have unrealistic expectations of motherhood – some more than others (I am talking about myself here!). Isn’t it just like God to teach us through His creation? And that particular scripture you shared has very special meaning for me – it was one I leaned on during a challenging time. Happy Mother’s Day Deb.
I love that verse too. Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Ann.
Beautiful Debbie, thank you for listening to the Lord…I needed to read that verse this morning. Loved the video too…cried and laughed… we showed it at Mosaic Sunday because it was so true;)
Thank you, Leah. I laughed and cried at the video too.