Seeing Beyond the Parade: God’s Eternal Perspective

Have you ever wondered what your story looks like from God’s eternal perspective? What will it be like when our vision isn’t limited by time? Like a reporter watching a parade from a blimp, God sees all of history at once. That’s why He makes no mistakes. But we can see only the band passing in front of us with perhaps a glimpse of what’s coming and what’s passed.

This weekend provided glimpses of life without linear time limits. I attended the memorial service of a dear friend in Savannah where I grew up. Mrs. Lois Wooten stepped in when my mother died. She provided a shelter when I needed it and nursed me after two surgeries. Her daughter Ann was a dear friend. Mrs. Wooten left this earth at 95 years young, but her legacy lives on through the many lives she touched.

Returning to Savannah uncorked many memories—some good, some not. It also provided the opportunity to spend time with good friends, a few I hadn’t seen in decades. We laughed hard remembering some of our forgotten antics. Some decades-old memories became clearer than last week’s calendar. Jumping those decades in shared conversation and renewed connections felt like time travel.

Looking back on our lives from the perspective of time provided insights into our own stories that revealed glimpses of God’s grace in our lives. We talked about how God used some bitter experiences to equip us for better futures. If sharing a few memories could do that, imagine what it will be like when faith becomes sight and we review life’s storms from God’s eternal perspective.

Mrs. Wooten is dancing in heaven with Sweetheart, the name she gave her husband. One day, those of us who know Jesus will follow her to heaven where there will be no more sorrows or straining to understand God’s ways. As the minister reminded us, the place some call heaven, we call home.

“Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8 NLT).

Seeing Beyond the Parade: God’s Eternal Perspective #EternalPerspective #Hope Share on X


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Little Women, Big God

Did you know Jesus’ family tree is full of shady women?

Meet the surprising women in Jesus’ family tree and see how the quality of your life is not determined by the size of your problems but by the size of your God.

Little Faith, Big God

This eight-week Bible study on Hebrews 11:1-22 explores the flawed yet faithful followers of Yahweh. Perfect for individual study or small groups, this book combines in-depth biblical exploration with thought-provoking questions and contemporary applications.

Little Strength, Big God

Whether you’re facing giants, struggling with doubt, or feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges, Little Strength, Big God reveals how ordinary people throughout the Bible encountered an extraordinary God. And you can too.

Don’t let your struggles define you. These studies show you how to see your challenges through the lens of a big God. It’s time to move from little faith to life-changing confidence in the God who can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.

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  1. Yvonne Ortega

    Thank you, Debbie, for sharing about your trip to Savannah. God can do so much when we place the tough times in His hands and remember where our home is.

  2. Ann

    What a beautiful reminder that heaven is our home.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Ann, that meant a lot to me to have it said that way.

    • Kelly

      ‘No more sorrows or straining to understand God’s ways…’
      Sounds like Home to me.
      Beautiful entry Debbie. ❤️

      • Debbie Wilson

        To me too, Kelly!

  3. Barbara Latta

    While we always grieve when we lose precious family members or friends, as believers we can rejoice at their new home. Our grieving is only for us and Jesus takes our tears away. He gives us the hope of a bright future with Him and our loved ones. You were blessed to have such a wonderful friend.

    • Debbie Wilson

      All true, Barbara. And yes, I am blessed indeed.

  4. Linda Stoll

    Debbie, thank you for this needed reminder to keep a heavenly perspective day in and day out. There seems to be so many homegoings these days. Trusting Jesus during this bittersweet time for so many people I care about. I hang on to the truth that ‘He doeth all things well.’

    • Debbie Wilson

      Linda, there have been many good byes. So thankful for the promise of our heavenly home.

  5. Barbara Harper

    The parade is such a good metaphor–we an see only what’s on front of us at the moment, but God sees all that has gone before and all that is ahead. It’s a joy to rehearse with friends the glimpses of God’s grace in our lives–how much more it will be in heaven when faith becomes sight.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Barbara, we certainly were made for community. We help each other see God’s grace. Enjoy your weekend!


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