How About a Fun Quiz on Hebrews 11?

With the release of Little Faith, Big God just around the corner, I thought it’d be fun to offer a quiz to whet your appetite to know more about some of the people covered in the book. The answer key is at the bottom.

A Fun Quiz on Hebrews 11

  1. Who was history’s first martyr?
  2. Why was this person murdered?
  3. What preacher of righteousness failed to win any converts to faith in God outside of his family and yet is commended for his faith?
  4. According to Hebrews 11, how did the people of old earn a good reputation?
  5. Who was remembered specifically as pleasing God and for an unusual departure to heaven?
  6. What four men from different generations does Hebrews 11 name who, despite not seeing the fulfillment of God’s promise, died believing His promise would yet be fulfilled?
  7. Without what quality is it impossible to please God?

How did you do? Are you ready to discover more?

The stories of the believers named in Hebrews 11 inspire me. Where I see flaws, God saw magnificent faith. These imperfect men and women pleased God. That challenges and encourages me. Challenges, because we don’t get a pass because we’re flawed. Encourages, because God uses inadequate people.

They show spiritual health is not instant, but neither is it stagnant. Vibrant faith grows stronger with proper use. The heroes whose stumbles reassured me also inspired me with their dynamic faith.

Faith stories are grace stories. God’s grace fuels your story too! #BigGod, #LittleFaithBigGod Share on X

If you’ve wondered how God feels about you when you falter, if the weight of unexpected bills or strained relationships threatens to sink your spirit, or if your three steps forward seem to be followed by two back, then allow the faithful witnesses of Hebrews 11 to equip and encourage you. Faith stories are grace stories. God’s grace fuels our stories too!

Answer key: 1. Gen. 4:8, 2. 1 Jn. 3:12, 3. Heb. 11:7; 2 Pet. 2:5, 4. Heb. 11:1-2, 5. Heb. 11:5,  6. Heb. 11:9-13, 20-22, 7. Heb. 11:6

Who is your favorite person of faith?


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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#InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory  #Recharge Wednesday, #TuneinThursaday, #Dance with Jesus, #FreshMarketFriday, #Grace&Truth, #Faith ‘n Friends


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  1. Melissa Henderson

    Wow! I learned a lot from the quiz. Looking forward to reading the book. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Wonderful! I learned a lot writing it!

  2. Ann Musico

    That was thought provoking Debbie. Very cool. I have to say my favorite person of faith was my grandmother. She lived out her faith every day of her life and she didn’t have an easy life. I aspire to be more like her.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, how wonderful to have someone close to you who models real faith. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Marilyn Couch

    Debbie, thank-you for always encouraging us to press on – I look forward to jumping feet first into your new book & praying the Lord increase our
    faith as we fix our eyes on Jesus.
    One of my favorite verses is
    Hebrews 11:27 – “By faith he (Moses), left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered
    b/c he saw Him Who is invisible.”

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you Marilyn. I like that verse too.

  4. Marilyn Couch

    Debbie, thank-you for always encouraging us to press on – I look forward to jumping feet first into your new book & praying the Lord increase our
    faith as we fix our eyes on Jesus.

  5. Patsy Burnette

    Debbie, I LOVE Hebrews 11!!! When I was in the third grade our teacher had us memorize the entire chapter. It was a daunting task to a third-grader, but I DID IT! I can still recite much of it still today. 🙂 Memorizing this chapter has made a huge spiritual impact on my life.

    Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

    • Debbie Wilson

      How wonderful to have that treasure locked in your heart. Thanks, Patsy. I love that chapter too.

  6. J.D. Wininger

    Lots of fun! Lots of wonderful learning and insight also. Thank you Ms. Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, J.D.

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