Creating a Haven to Nurture Your Soul

Food is so important that we build special rooms in our homes and buy expensive appliances to house and prepare it. We choose colorful plates, napkins and table cloths to enhance our enjoyment of this physical necessity. We even have tables and chairs just for eating. Jesus said,”It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4, NIV). What can we do to entice us to linger over our spiritual food?

A Place:

Select a special place for Bible study. Make it inviting and comfortable. Invest in the right equipment: a Bible of a translation you find easy to understand, a notebook, pen, good lighting, comfortable chair and desk or table—whatever you prefer. Keep your Bible study supplies together in this location. I enjoy visual appeal, too. If that is important to you, include a plant, open window or colorful painting.

Besides nourishing us, God’s Word also cleanses us and promotes worship. To create a private spa just for Bible study is a real treat and retreat from the tensions of life, but sometimes that is not practical. Timing or concentration will make your place private. My kitchen table has fed my body and soul many times.

Where will you meet with the Lord? What do you need to make your place better suited to serve your time of spiritual refreshment?

A Time:

Next choose a time that works with your schedule. My time to meet with God has varied as my life has changed. I enjoy being able to spend quiet time with the Lord before I start my day, but when my children were babies that was impossible for this night owl. I was much more alert after putting them to bed at night.

When they were school age, I would send them off to school and take care of morning tasks. Around 10 O’clock I would take my cup of tea to my personal space and enjoy my time with the Lord. I set aside one day a week for a longer time of study.

What time is your best time to meet privately with the Lord? Maybe you want to set aside some lunches during the week to enjoy a sandwich and your Lord.

Finally, remember Paul’s words to Timothy, “… train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:7-8, NIV). Time spent with the Lord is never wasted. It is an investment in the quality of this life and life to come.

Blessings for total health,

Prayer Request: I have surgery on a torn meniscus this Thursday. I appreciate your prayers for the surgery and recovery process. Thanks so much.


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  1. Gwen

    Praying you a speedy recovery, Debbie! Happy Spring time!

  2. Diane

    Hi Debbie,

    I pray your surgery goes well and you recover quickly.


  3. jerry smith

    Debbie…your messages are always encouraging and timely and we often use them during devotional time with our kids so thank you for this ministry…btw…have had 3 torn meniscus surgeries and good experience every time…be sure to diligently do the rehab and you will be 100% quickly. God bless to you and Larry!

  4. Renee Peebles

    Debbie love this comparison of the physical to the spiritual preparation for nourishing our souls. Praying for your surgery. Hoping they can repair your torn meniscus.

  5. Pat Waggpner

    Thanks for such good thoughts about our study times with the Lord….I pray all goes well on Thursday. Love and Prayers, Pat

  6. Tracey Horton

    We are in Corolla preparing for the Dew4Him Team Building Retreat. We will miss you. Please know you are being prayed for. You and Larry both.

    • debwilson

      I can’t tell you how much it means to be loved and held up by my friends. Bless each of you!

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