A Little Something to Brighten Your Christmas

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Christmas | 16 comments

I love Christmas! The sights, sounds, and scents invite us to savor life. But Christmas summons unwanted emotions as well as good ones. In light of this, some of my author friends have joined together to offer you gifts that touch this variety of needs. I trust you’ll find something just for you. Hopefully, you’ll open many gifts below that will delight and hearten you.

Merry Christmas,

Gifts to Brighten Your Christmas

From PeggySue Wells

‘Tis the season for giving gifts! Especially for you, Homeless for the Holidays is a hope-filled novella about a family that loses it all and find they have everything. Click HERE to download Homeless for the Holidays.

As the author of 29 books including The Ten Best Decisions A Single Mom Can Make and creator of Single Mom Circle.com, wishing you and yours grace and joy.

Merry Christmas,

PeggySue Wells

From Karen Whiting

I love this season of the year celebrating the birth of Christ, singing carols, and putting out my collection of nativity sets. Of my 26 books, one is especially for this season: Christmas is Coming! But Waiting is Hard.

I want to give you two free gifts to make the season special.

  1. Keep Christ in Christmas with simple tips.
  2. Make shopping with children fun by using this Mall Sighting game to find signs of Christ’s birth as you shop. Play the game while shopping  online by observing what’s in the background of various sites.

Find a delicious and versatile biscuit recipe, sample advent devotions for families, and other specials if you sign up for my newsletter as well as learn to understand the basic emotional needs of people to strengthen your relationships!

Merry Christmas!

Karen Whiting

From Debbie Wilson

From personal experience and my years working as a Christian counselor, I know holidays can be tough. The first Christmas was also challenging as I discovered when writing Little Women, Big God. Many people are approaching the 2020 holiday season empty and depleted. Financially. Emotionally. Isolated from loved ones.

Restore the Christmas spirit with How to Celebrate Christmas When You’re Empty and find other resources to refresh your faith.

May joy and peace fill you this Christmas!

Debbie Wilson

From Linda Gilden

Want to put a little fun in your Christmas? You will find lots of fun Ideas in Mama Was the Queen of Christmas. I have a free gift The Beginning Writer’s Glossary. Pass it on to students, aspiring writers, and avid readers.

May God bless you this Christmas season and fill your heart and home with His presence.

Linda Gilden


From Linda Goldfarb

Hello friends! Coach Linda Goldfarb here with Christmas cheer to pass your way. If you have young children who enjoy coloring adventure books, my coauthor, Kelly Harris, and I want to gift you this season with our free download of Lovey Mouse in the Night Before Christmas – #REAL Adventure Book and Audio narration. We pray you and the children in your life enjoy this story as much as we did writing and recording it.

The holidays can be stress-filled, so as an additional gift, download your copy of my Holiday Stress – A Matter of Choice. These doable strategies help you cope when you feel you’ve lost hope. I’d be honored to stay in touch with you throughout this season and beyond. Check out Coach Linda to see where you can find me.

May you be blessed this season.

Linda Goldfarb


From Yvonne Ortega

You’ve probably suffered many losses during the pandemic. Please know that you’re not alone. May you find comfort here. If you prefer to watch videos, click here or here.

I’ve experienced countless personal losses. As a professional counselor, I worked with hundreds of clients who struggled with grief, divorce, forgiveness, or a life-threatening illness. May you find peace, promise, and purpose in my series, Moving from Broken to Beautiful® here.

Jesus came to earth so you can live an abundant life. Pandemic or not, his promises do not change.

Yvonne Ortega

From Melissa Henderson

Hello, Melissa Henderson here. I want to share a video with you. Enjoy a reading of my children’s book, Licky the Lizard.

In this special story, we learn we don’t have to be afraid of lizards because God created the people and God created the lizards, too.


Melissa Henderson

Some author friends joined together to offer you #gifts for #Christmas. Open the links to find your gift. Share on X

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  1. Melissa Henderson

    Wonderful. I love participating in this. Merry Christmas!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I enjoyed hearing your read Licky the Lizard! I am the lady who jumped when I saw a large lizard, that is different than the small ones I’m used to, stuck his head out near my patio chair. I thought it was a snake!

  2. Sharon Hazel

    A great idea for a post and so many good recommendations. Thanks for sharing!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Hazel. I also love the variety of these offerings.

  3. Ann J Musico

    These are wonderful Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. Something for all ages!

  4. Nancy E Head

    What a wonderful post! So much to consider!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Nancy. Isn’t it a fun way to meet new authors and sample their work?

  5. J.D. Wininger

    What special gifts these are. Each come from the heart of the giver. God’s blessings and Merry CHRISTmas to you and Mr. Larry ma’am.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, J.D. And to you!

  6. Karisa Moore

    Yvonne Ortega made me cry. What an excellent Christmas resource you put together Debbie! I have already downloaded Peggy Sue’s book. I’ll take a look at the rest when I finish reading her story.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Wonderful! I hope you enjoy them.

  7. Sylvia Schroeder

    Wow! That was full of resources. Thank you so much. It’s a great idea and will benefit so many!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Sylvia. This is a special group of women.

  8. Joanna Eccles

    Wow – what a fabulous idea to share the insights and writings from so many talented authors as Christmas gifts to your readers. Most appreciated. May God continue to bless all of your writing and use it for His kingdom purposes.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I love the diversity in this group. Thanks so much, Joanna.

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