How to Make a Bible Study Great

A friend on my local launch team for Little Faith, Big God asked me, “What do you want to happen at the launch—sell books?”

“What I really want is for people to read the book and have their relationship with the Lord enriched. I don’t want people to buy a book to put on their shelf. I want them to connect with God and be transformed,” I replied.

That made me think of our Thursday morning Jesus Girls. We’ve been meeting for five years. Each week I love listening to them share their love for the Lord and each other. We cheer for, pray for, and serve one another. Everyone is free to ask their questions and express their confusion. We wrestle through the tough topics of life and Scripture. We laugh and we cry together.

However, I know not all groups are like that. So, I asked my group what they think makes a Bible study work well. If you’re looking for a group or leading a group, use these summarized thoughts to find a group or make your Bible study great.

Fulfills My Need for Fellowship and Learning

Being in a small group of women to study the Bible has:

1. fulfilled the need to be with other believers in Christ.

2. provided the opportunity to learn from others. Whether they are more mature in their faith or not, I learn so much.

3. been a safe environment to ask hard questions.

4. the big bonus is having a “director” who knows so much more about scripture than I do. By myself, I would not go near as deep or get near as much out of it.

~ Dana

Biblically Accurate Teaching with Active Participation from Those Who Do the Lessons

  • I prefer an all ladies group, although I have enjoyed coed groups.
  • Biblically accurate teaching.
  • Safe place, where what is said there stays there.
  • The members care about and encourage each other.
  • People in the group prepare beforehand. Although there are times a person cannot prepare, for the most part, people come ready to share.
  • The members are seeking to know God better and apply what they learn.
  • The ages of ladies and number of years as a Christian are not important. The attitudes and desire to know God and live a Godly life matter.
  • People feel welcome in the group.

~ Sandi

Provides Support and a Safe Place to Share

  • Being in a group study helps me to be accountable to finish the lesson.
  • It’s encouraging to hear & learn from others; witnessing how God is working in others’ lives builds faith!
  • A good group is one that the presence and love of the Holy Spirit is felt, everyone is welcoming, no cliques and is a safe place to share openly without feeling judged; others show sympathy/empathy and offer encouragement, support and friendship
  • What’s ruined a group experience is people dominating the conversation, cutting people off while sharing, awkward silences after someone has shared without any encouragement, and cliques within the group.

~ Janice

In a good group the presence and love of the Holy Spirit is felt, everyone is welcoming, no cliques and a safe place to share openly without feeling judged. #BibleStudy Share on X

The Difference Between Knowing God and Knowing Him Deeply

Before Bible study, I knew God was with me. But, when I’d open the Bible and expect to find verses to support me, it was not easy to see how God was talking to me.

Now—During Bible Study—caring, loving, supporting women and compassionate, knowledgeable teachings fill me. I leave our Bible study filled with happy tears and thanking God for that time together and for all the enlightenment that fills me about our Savior, my Best Friend, Jesus!

Now, I know our loving God through our Savior Jesus much more deeply and personally. I can easily relate to Him all through my days and wakeful nights, giving thanks, asking for help. Knowing God more deeply affects my life, my thoughts, and who I am! I experience greater peace and trust.

I appreciate the easy flow that comes from each of us to share how God has helped us. Consideration of one another is paramount to that easy flow. If one person takes up too much time, it interrupts the flow that is generated by the group and the leader.

~ Marilyn

Diversity that Deepens Understanding

I love seeing the ways Jesus is speaking intimately to each of us individually. It deepens my understanding of Him when I see the many ways He works across so many different lives. The diversity in our group is so incredible, and the more people feel comfortable to share, the more we all grow.

~ Amanda

Good Leadership

Good leadership means everything to me. Leading that is not preachy yet is provocative enough to leave room for reflection and deeper understanding.

~ Millicent

A good leader helps make a good group. One who keeps track of time and gently pulls people back in when they go down rabbit holes, yet never makes someone feel bad when they do. One who instead thanks me for sharing, all the while gently guiding the conversation back.
~ Amanda

If you’d like to consider joining or leading discussion group of Little Faith, Big God, please contact me. I’d love to support and help you if I can.

What makes a group a good experience for you?


Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory  #Recharge Wednesday, #TuneinThursaday, #Dance with Jesus, #FreshMarketFriday, #Grace&Truth, #Faith ‘n Friends


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  1. Jeanne Doyon

    Practical post and wonderful to share. I love the connectedness in a group like this. With God and one another.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jeanne. We are certainly blessed!

  2. Joanna Eccles

    Being part of the body of Christ where we can study His Word together and hash out how it applies to our lives is such a blessing. I can’t believe that God started the Bible study I am in almost 17 years ago, but He has kept it strong because it has focused on God and not us. Yay God!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanna, that is wonderful! May He continue to bless your group.

  3. Ann

    Wonderful post and points. I’ve been in several bible study groups and really found them encouraging and so fruitful in drawing closer to the Lord through His Word.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I find being able to hear other’s thoughts from their study expands mine. Thanks so much.

  4. Patsy Burnette

    This is great, Debbie! So many people struggle with just how to study God’s Word.

    Pinned & tweeted.

    Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Patsy. I think it helps a lot to be surrounded by fellow travelers.

  5. J.D. Wininger

    Girls or boys, it sounds like a wonderful formula for success Ms. Debbie. Thank you for sharing with us ma’am; and lots of prayers for many blessings coming from your latest book, Little Faith, Big God!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks so much, J.D.!

  6. Melissa Henderson

    What great encouragement! I love Bible Studies. The new friendships, whether in person or online, have blessed me.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I agree. They become friends you hold in your heart!

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