“You will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day.” ~Psalm 91:5 (ESV)

By: dryhead
My surgery had gone without a hitch. The mass my doctor was so worried about was benign. You’d think that would quiet all my concerns. But new ones darkened my slumber. I awoke to a fierce struggle in my mind.
I had a supervisor who once said, “If the devil can’t steal your victory he’ll try to steal your joy.” I’ve found his words to be true.
Two phone conversations and a YouTube video, the week following surgery, had sown seeds of doubt about my decision to keep my healthy organs. My doubts sprouted into suffocating fear during my sleep. The video had popped up, ironically, after I’d finished watching one on prayer. In it, Angelina Jolie told how her doctor had begged her, with tears, to remove her ovaries. In my sleep, these women’s fears became my own. Had I been wrong to keep my healthy ovary?
What types of fear threaten your peace? With all that is going on in our world, there are plenty to choose from. Reason wasn’t enough to conquer mine. Let me explain how God rescued me and how to quiet your own unease.
Three R’s to Remove Fear:
- Recognize the source. “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Tim. 1:7ESV).
My doubt had to be a dart. Even in my sleep I recognized its destructive nature. What could I do about my decision now? Surgery was over.
Read more about how to recognize DARTS here.
- Remember God’s character. “Which one of you, if his son asks him for…a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matt. 7:9-11 ESV).
I’d asked God to guide me as I researched and prayed about my decision before my surgery. His leading had been consistent. Was I to believe that God had intentionally withheld the information I needed until it was too late? This doubt slandered God’s very nature.
- Refresh your faith.
Faith—not reason—is the antidote to fear. Share on XFaith comes from hearing the word of Christ (see Rom. 10:17). In the wilderness, Israel had to gather fresh manna every morning. Leftovers rotted overnight. Our faith also needs daily renewal.
That morning God led me to the first chapter of Joshua. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:9 NIV). I’d never noticed the connection between the first and second part of this verse before. This was a command!
God had appointed Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land. How could he help his brothers enter God’s rest if fear and discouragement held him hostage?
God has commissioned us to be His ambassadors and shine as lights in a dark world. How can we shine the light of Jesus when our hearts are clouded with worry? How can we show people the Prince of Peace if anxiety rules us?
While I’ve often wished for a dial to modulate my emotions—dial up courage, joy, or hope as needed—God’s way is higher. He’d rather me be strong in Him than feel strong in myself. It's better to be strong in the Lord than feel strong in myself. Share on X
God supplies what we need to obey His commands. Through Him, we can be strong and courageous. We need not live with fear and discouragement.
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Debbie W. Wilson
You might enjoy my article that’s over at crosswalk.com: Do You Have to Forgive and Forget to Get Over the Pain?
Sometimes I link up with these great sites:
#TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #WholeHearted Wednesday, #w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention, #LivefreeThursday, #Thankful Thursdays, #Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus #SoulSurvival
Great message. 🙂
Thank you, Melissa. Always good to hear from you!
Debbie I was so happy to see your post – you’ve been on my mind and I kept forgetting to email you to see how you were doing. Isn’t it just like that lying, stupid devil to try and put fear and doubt in you when God led you perfectly! Your steps for uncovering his tactics are right on as usual.
Thank you, Ann. Yes, you’d think I’d immediately recognize them by now!
Great advice! I will need to remember the 3 R’s. It is so easy to get carried away by our feelings of fear and to forget the truth. I like how you point out that the antidote is not reason but faith and that we need to defeat fear in God’s strength not our own.
Thank you, Carly. Those ole feelings can be so strong and bossy!
This is so wise. When we go back to reflecting on who God is and his promises, it’s much easier to trust and rest in Him. Stopping by from the Women With Intention link up!
Thank you, Kelsey!
Recognize the source. Remember God’s character. Refresh your faith. #Wisdom
Thank you for this encouragement and the 3 simple R’s to reset our emotions. I appreciate these practical steps in how to ‘boss my emotions’ and not allow ‘my emotions to boss me.’
Thank so much, Lemon Love.
Thank you for linking up, Debbie! #livefreeThursday
Thank you, Suzie, for hosting and sharing your wisdom.
Fear…what an effective tool of Satan Debbie. I am thrilled to read that your surgery went well. It’s funny how he continues to attack us. I love all 3 of your points but refreshing our faith is so key. We need those Godly nutrients to strengthen and sustain us. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us today . I am blessed by your news of recovery! Have a wonderful weekend and continued blessings to you and yours my friend!
Thank you, Horace. As always, you are a great encourager.
What a pleasure to link with you today. Great post! I think the area God has been working on me the most is recognition. Too often I let fear and anxiety take over my thoughts and emotions, falling blindly into the pit. He is teaching me to say, “I’m feeling anxious, where is this coming from? What is this really about?” Recognizing the source empowers me to pray and purpose to let it go. I will enjoy sharing your post today!
Ginger, that’s great! Whenever we slow down and take our confusion to Him He always helps us get perspective. What a great habit to build. Thanks so much!
These are great, Debbie. “Remember God’s Character”- when we seek the Lord’s direction, He is going to give it – all of it. I am so thankful He doesn’t keep back information from us. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.
Lori, remembering God’s character always calms me. My Father is always good. Thanks so much.
Debbie, I enjoyed meeting you at Suzanne Eller’s link up. This article resonates with my soul. Thank you for the reminder, “Our faith also needs daily renewal.”
Thank you, April. God bless!
2 Tim. 1:7 is my son’s life verse – it is such a great one! I completely agree with your 3 points – they are so helpful in driving out fear! Fear stops us from fulfilling God’s plans for our lives! Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.
Aimee, thanks for hosting and visiting!